Monday, September 27, 2010


I think at both schools I said no one in Minnesota got every problem correct last year.
That was incorrect. There were actually 6 kids that got them all right on all 10 tests.
And there were two more who got them all right, but left off the units on one problem!

Heritage Team

Get those permission forms in!!!
Next Monday (Oct 4, 2010) you need to go to the attendance secretary to get permission to leave your last your class at 3:00. Get what you need from your locker and go to the math team room (if in use, wait quietly in the commons area)

Note that those with an * CANNOT PARTICIPATE until they turn in their permission form.
Adrian Rocke........8..30

Jennifer Gravelle...8..28
Nick Bachman........8..28
Joe Dill............8..24
*Allison Rocke......4..24
*Eric Dewald........4..24
Kory Atkinson.......4..20

Matt Bachman........8..18
Natalie Nachtsheim..0..10
Julia Michienzi.....4..8
Parker Lager........4..8
*Ben Carcand........6..6
Isabel Sander.......0..6
Adam Arroyo......... ..4
*Zully Sosa......... ..4
Amanda Keiser....... ..4
*Jolicia Vasquez....2..2
*Arianna Heras......2..2
Gabriel Fromm.......0..0
Anna Klein..........0..0
*Buddy Rundquist.... ..0
*David Timm......... ..0
*Shawn Herrera...... ..0
*Gabriel Rivera..... ..0

Today's Problems

40 1. What is the smallest number divisible by both 8 and 10?
A lot of you did not read the question carefully and put down 2.

9/25 2. Which fraction is a ratio of relatively prime numbers? 15/60 9/25 8/144 49/14
This means which is reduced to lowest form? Clearly 15 and 60 are both divisible by 5, 8 and 144 are both divisible by 2 and 49 and 14 are both divisible by 7.

33 3. What is the smallest integer, n, such that 1n1 is a perfect cube?
This one is a bit tricky, but thinking clearly will make it easy. 8 is a perfect cube because it is 2x2x2. 27 is a perfect cube because it is 3x3x3. So what number times itself twice more has a product starts with a 1 and ends with a 1? Well it can't be an even number. 1x1x1=1 so it could end in a 1. 3x3x3 =27 so that will end in a 7, not a 1. 5x5x5 nope - that'll end in a 5. 7x7x7=49x7 Nope-that'll end in a 3. 9x9x9=81x9 which will end in a 9. So it has to end in a 1! Let's try 11x11x11. Multiply it out and you get 1331 which fits the pattern we need! So the answer is 11. Wait! What was the question? 1n1 is a perfect cube - ah 1331 is the perfect cube so n is 33.

18,900 and 36,450 4. Find two pairs, of integers that have a Greatest Common Factor of 18 and a Least Common Multiple of 900. So we're looking for two groups of factors with a GCF of 18 and a LCM of 900.
The factors of 18 are 2 x 3 x 3. The factors of 900 are 3 x 3 x 5 x 2 x 5 x 2
So we have two groups of factors - 2,3,3 and 2,2,3,3,5,5
Both have factors 2 x 2 x 3 so both have a greatest common factor of 18. So one pair is: 18 and 900.
To get the other pair, lets move one of the factors of 900 into the 18 camp - but we can't move a 5, because then(2,3,3,5 2,2,3,3,5) the greatest common factor wouldn't be 18 any longer - it would be 18x5 which is 90. So what else can we move? We need a 2,3,3 in both our numbers, so 2 is the only factor left. So let's shift a 2 from the 900 to the 18: 2,2,3,3 and 2,3,3,5,5
2x2x3x3=36 and 2x3x3x5x5 =450 Our new pair with with a GCF of 18 and a LCM of 900 is 36 and 450.

(5x+6)/15 5. Write as on fraction in reduced form: x/3 + 2/5 = ?
How do add fractions? Get a common denominator. The common denominator is 15. Multiply top and bottom of x/3 by 5 to get 5x/15 and multiply top and bottom of 2/5 by 3 to get 6/15.
5x/15 + 6/15 can be now added because they have a common denominator. Answer (5x+6)/15


Next Monday (Oct 4) go to Elizabeth Dahlstrom at the attendance office and get a slip to excuse you from part of your last hour class. You will be dismissed at 2:40 and meet in the math team room. We will take attendance and board the bus to Heritage and then to
So. St. Paul. We will return to Friendly Hills at 5:40 where your parents should pick you up.

Here are scores from 9/27 and final team assignments for meet 1. If your name has ?? instead of OK, it means you did not return your permission form and will not be allowed to leave class early and go to the meet on Monday. Pick up a math team permission form at the front office.

Meagan Ruppert.....ok...8
Sarah Yotter.......ok...8
Monte Fischer......ok...6
Victoria Garner....ok...4
Elizabeth Whitcomb.ok...2
Matt Richards......ok...2

Matthew Morse......ok...2
Daniel O'Reilly....??...2
Bailey Coronis.....ok...2
Luke Brockman......??...0
Brigham Williams...ok...0
Carla Pascual......ok...4

GOLD Alternates
Caleb Golberg......ok...
Jack Korte.........ok...0
Brian Gallagher....??...
Molly Rosenfield...ok...2
Ellie Thirsten.....??...2
Rachel Trembulak...??...
Sidney Garner......ok...
Grace Sprangers....??...
Amy Patrick........ok...2

RED Alternates
Matthew Friedmann..ok...2
Laura Friedmann....ok...2
Alex Nilles........ok...2
Holly Eastman......ok...0
Tyler Solheim......ok
Matthew Goldade....??
Katrina Relph......ok
Maya Strom.........??
Matias Matamoros...??...0
Owen Carruth.......ok
Mandi Wen..........ok
Sam Gantman........ok

Monday, September 20, 2010

Heritage Sept 20, 2010

Remember to return your permission forms to the main office. If you didn't get one, pick one up at the office.
Wow! Look at those scores! Top 7 are really strong!
Adrian R.....8.14.22
Allison R....8.12.20
Jennifer G...6.14.20
Nick B.......6.14.20
Eric D.......8.12.20
Kory A.......4.12.16
Joe D........8..8.16
Matt B.......4..6.10
Natalie N....4..6.10
Isabel S.....2..4..6
Parker L.....2..2..4
Adam A.......2..2..4
Joe H........2..2..4
Zully S......2..2..4
Julia M......0..4..4
David T......0..-..0
Buddy R......0..0..0

Friendly Hills Sept 20, 2010

Remember to pick up your forms, get them signed and returned to the office.
Here are your scores from Monday Sept 20. In general, you are doing much better than last year.
Meagan R......8.14.22
Monte F.......6.14.20
Sarah Y.......6.14.20
Matt R........4..8.12
Victoria G....8..4.12
Elizabeth W...8..4.12
Dan O.........2..8.10
Matt M........4..6.10
Luke B........4..4..8
Brigham W.....4..4..8
Bailey C......4..4..8
Jack K........2..4..6
Caleb G.......4..2..6
Brian G.......4..2..6
Molly R.......4..0..4
Ellie T.......4..0..4
Rachel T......4..0..4
Grace S.......2..0..2
Sidney G......2..0..2
Matthew G.....0..0..0
Katrina R.....0..0..0
Amy P.........0..0..0
Holly E.......0..0..0
Tyler S.......0..0..0