Friday, January 3, 2014

Math Meet 5

Just got word that there will be no school on Monday Jan 6 due to the cold weather. Therefore there will be no math practice at school. However, you can still practice on your own - all day!!

Meet 5 is still scheduled for Monday, Jan 15 at Heritage. I'll announce teams here later next week.

Topics are :
 Operations with polynomials (+ - x /)
 Probability and Statistics (Mean, median, mode)
 Systems of linear equations (substitution principle)
 Stem and Leaf Plots
 Box and Whisker Plots
 Volume of prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders, spheres

 Mean - its the average (you sum up the scores and divide by the number of scores
 Median - right down the middle (like on a highway) half the scores are higher and half lower
 Mode - like pie a la mode - the most popular way of eating pie

Volume of prism = Area of the base x height.
Volume of pyramid = 1/3 Area of base x height
Volume of sphere = 4/3 pi R cubed (Example if R= 3" vol = 4/3 x pi x 27 = 36 pi cubic inches)

For help try these links:

Basic ideas behind volume (good for 5th and 6th graders)

Volume of prisms

Stem and leaf -

Box and Whisker -

Mean Median Mode

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