Monday, September 28, 2015

Permission slips and scores

Get those permission slips back! Turn them into the office.
A couple of scores are estimated scores for people who were absent. - I make my best estimate of what you would have got and subtract 2.


Grade Gen Name Permit P1A P1B P1C P1T
8 M Anthony Rocke Y 14 4 18
6 F Kathryn Lewis Y 6 6 12
8 M Bennett Challifour 2 8 10
5 M Aidan Mallberg 2 8 10
8 M Ben Nickson Y 4 2 6
6 F Ella Hansen 4 2 6
6 F Hadley Witham 4 2 6
5 F Sophie Todaro Y 2 2 4
5 F Emma Lawrence Y 2 2 4
5 F Maraya Lucio 2 0 2
5 F Alycia Gonzales Lewis 2 2
5 F Alayna Rocke 2 2
5 F Luna Osterhaus Y 2 2
M Jonathan Neumann 2 2
8 M Cullen Sander 0
8 M Justin Cilleti 0
8 M Steve Nickson 0
6 M Edward Michaels 0 0
5 F London Zvara 0 0 0
5 F Guadaloupe Jiminez-Blanco 0 0
5 M Colten Bartlette Y 0 0 0
5 Dia Balderramos 0 0
F Ruby Lipschultz 0 0

Friendly Hills

Grade Gen Name Permit P1A P1B P1C P1T
8 M Jay Shaver 4 10 14
6 M Nick Wendt 10 4 14
6 M Oscar Halverson Y 8 2 10
6 M Dain Dolan Y 6 4 10
6 F Nina Kessler Y 6 4 10
6 M Cyrus Martin Risch 4 6 10
5 F Melissa Irwin 2 6 8
5 F Claire Newmark 2 6 8
5 M Miles Dunn Y 2 6 8
7 F Lily Pince 6 0 6
6 M Alexander Lopez Y 4 2 6
6 F Sophia Schomer 2 4 6
5 M Justin Henry 4 2 6
5 M Amario Sisukda 0 6 6
5 M Charles Cheesebrough Y 2 2 4
5 M Quin Dixon 0 4 4
6 M Daniel Flanagan 2 1 3
5 M Jackson Cercioglu 2 1 3
6 F Victoria Dzurilla 0 2 2
5 F Stella Warwick 2 0 2
5 M Will Gannon 0 2 2
5 F Samantha Henning 0 2 2
5 F Ellyanna Lee 0 0 0
5 M Duy Houng 0
M Shakti Gurung Y 0

Monday, September 21, 2015

Scores from 9/27

The first meeting of Math Team was today - if you missed it, it's not too late to join.
If your name is misspelled let me know at
Permission forms are available in the office if you didn't get one.
8 M Anthony Rocke 14
6 F Kathryn Lewis 6
8 M Ben Nickson 4
6 F Ella Hansen 4
6 F Hadley Witham 4
7 M Aidan Mallberg 2
5 F Maraya Lucio 2
5 F Sophie Todaro 2
5 F Alycia Gonzales Lewis 2
5 F Emma Lawrence 2
5 F Alayna Rocke 2
M Jonathan Neumann 2
6 M Edward Michaels 0
5 F London Zvara 0
5 F Rachel Carter 0
5 F Aahkia Johnson-Banks 0
5 F Guadaloupe 0
5 M Colten Bartlette 0
5 Dia Balderramos 0
Ben 0

If your name is misspelled let me know.
Permission forms are available in the office if you didn't get one.

Nick Wendt 10
Oscar Halverson 8
Lily Pince 6
Dain Dolan 6
Nina Kessler 6
Cyrus Martin Risch 4
Alexander Lopez 4
Justin Henry 4
Sophia Schomer 2
Melissa Irwin 2
Jackson Cercioglu 2
Stella Warwick 2
Claire Newmark 2
Miles Dunn 2
Charles Cheesebrough 2
Daniel Flanagan 2
Victoria Dzurilla 0
Quin Dixon 0
Ellyanna Lee 0
Will Gannon 0
Samantha Henning 0
Amario Sisak 0

Friday, September 18, 2015

Get a Head Start !

Want to get a head start on those other teams? Go to the link at right for the mnjhml (short for Minnesota Jr. High Math League) and try some of the sample problems. Some of these may appear on Monday's practice test.

Factor - any number which divides evenly into our number. The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12
LCM - lowest common multiple The LCM of 12 and 18 is 36
GCF - greatest common factor    The GCF of 24 and 32 is 8
Prime - divisible only by itself and 1   The primes between 40 and 50 are 41, 43, and 47
Factorial - 4! (say "four factorial") means 1 4 = 24
Negative numbers are numbers below zero. Adding a negative is the same as subtracting a positive.
    Subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive. Example: 5 - (-3) = 8

Other topics covered:
Adding and multiplying and dividing fractions.
Working with decimals and rounding.
Translating English sentences into algebraic statements
Perimeter and Area
The coordinate plane
Averages (mean, median, and mode)