Monday, November 18, 2019

Meet 4 Topics

Here are the topics for Meet 4.
Click on a topic to get a quick 5-10 min lesson.
You can also go to the Heritage Math Team website and try the lessons there.

Meet 4
4.1Remainders and the Units Digit
4.2Solving Inequalities
4.3Linear Functions
4.4Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
4.5The Pythagorean Theorem
4.6Measures of Central Tendency

Meet 3 Scores

Meet 4 will be held after school on Monday Dec 9 at St. Thomas Academy
We will take the bus which will come from Heritage and stop to pick us up at 3:35.
I'll meet you the back where the buses are and take attendance before we go out to get on the bus
After the meet, the bus will drop you off at Friendly Hills at 5:10

Meet 3 Scores
Grade Gen Name M3A M3B M3T M4r
8 M Luke Reisig 14 8 22 84
7 M Tyler Demulling 8 6 14 42
8 M T J Kronschnabel 10 0 10 39
7 M Tommy Larsen 10 2 12 37
8 F Lucia Schomer 10 0 10 35
6 F Anna Kessler 0 2 2 32
8 F Elyse Jahn 2 0 2 26
5 F Claire Dahl 2 2 4 23
6 M Aryan Kain 4 2 6 23
6 M Annsh Kain 2 2 4 21
5 F Hayden Jahn 2 2 4 15
6 M Josh Schomer 2 2 4 12
5 M Lucas West 0 0 0 3
5 M Parker Mason 0 2 2 2
Event C Scores: Gold Team 16, Red Team  4

Although we finished in 4th place behind Heritage, we actually widened our lead over St. Thomas who is our closest competitor and we still have a  30 pt lead over Heritage
Team Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Total
SPA Gold 180 168 174 522
SPA Blue 163 126 110 399
Friendly Hills Gold 115 112 86 313
Sy Thomas Acad 113 100 80 293
Heritage Gold 113 74 96 283
SSP Maroon 62 88 0 150
Heritage Red 0 90 40 130
SSP White 44 6 0 50